RED Print


Red, a color that commands attention and passion, holds significant energetic, psychological, and aura meanings. Energetically, red symbolizes power and vitality, emanating a dynamic and energizing force. It stimulates action and motivation, creating a sense of urgency and intensity in its surroundings. Psychologically, red is linked to strong emotions such as love, desire, and courage. It can evoke a range of feelings from warmth and comfort to assertiveness and excitement. Red is often associated with increased energy levels and a heightened sense of alertness, encouraging boldness and confidence. In terms of aura, red is believed to be connected to the root chakra, representing grounding, survival instincts, and a sense of security. Individuals with a predominant red aura may be perceived as passionate, courageous, and assertive. The color suggests a strong connection to the physical world and a robust life force. Overall, red embodies a powerful and intense energy, symbolizing passion and strength. It encourages action, confidence, and a vibrant engagement with life both in the external environment and within oneself.

Limited Edition Print

17 x 20 inches / 43.18 x 50.8 centimeters


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